380   Cancel response- normal security

Created: 12 Sep 2006

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 8-1 (2004)


Page: 85

Clause: 20.6.3


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


For SBO normal security there is no proper Cancel response-:

"The IEC 61850-7-2 Cancel response– maps onto two MMS PDUs. The order of the PDUs shall be an InformationReport.request with additionalCauseDiagnostic (see 20.8) and a MMS Write.response+ that contains an AccessResult indicating failure."

An information report is not valid for normal security.


Split paragraph 20.6.3 in two: one specifying the result for normal security (without InformationReport) and one for enhanced security. Just like 20.7.3.

Discussion Created Status
This is a similar issue to Tissue 246.

13 Oct 06 Not Applicable
This appears to be an issue for 7-2 and not 8-1. Clause of 7-2 clearly implies that if a Cancel is issued, 8-1 will need to return AddCause for the Cancel-. Thus 2 PDUs is required. Additionally 17.2.2 of 7-2 clearly indicates that Cancel is part of SBO with Normal Security.

Unless other restrictions are put in place within 7-2, I am unsure that a change in 8-1 should be made.

My initial thoughts are to reject the proposal/item, mark it Blue, and enter a tissue on 7-2.
11 Oct 06 Discussion (red)


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